Cups Are Fascinating
Isn’t it fascinating to see Serena Williams or Roger Federer play with all their might and main, and for what, to win a shiny piece of glass Cup or a trophy? Every sportsman aspires for the ultimate thing at the end the day…the Prize. Trophy Cups have been a symbol of victory since ancient times. In ancient Greece, when a person won in some local games he or she would be presented with different kinds of trophies such as a vase, a bronze shield or a silver Cup. A number of major sporting competitions award the victorious team a trophy in the shape of a Cup.
Origin of Cup
It is interesting to know from where the idea of Cup as a trophy originated. Some say it dates back to the olden time when cups or chalice were used in the holy communion to drink wine or water. Subsequently, the modern Trophy Cup was based on a two handled “Ox-Eye” college cup designed in the 17th century. However, no accurate record has been available as to where the Cup as a trophy originated. Trophy Cups became more and more popular as time went on. Initially chalices were given to the winner of sporting events in the early 1600s. Since then, they have become a trendsetter in the modern world and today we see a number of championships giving their teams or individual sportsman the Cup.
Cups Are Symbol Of Excellence
We have heard of the Davis Cup, the World Cup or the Stanley Cup. These events are names so because of the cup shaped trophies they give to the sports winner. The Wimbledon awards its single champion with a large loving Cup for the men while the women get a large silver plate. Cups have been a symbol of excellence in almost all the fields. We have the famous world Cup given to the cricket team and the football team respectively for their victory against the world contenders. Cups are also given in the field of Rugby, Motor sports, Golf, Hockey as well as Hurling.
Variety & Cost
Cup Trophies come in a number of shapes and sizes depending on the nature of use. They can be unique and stunning like the world cup or the Stanley cup or can be mass-produced molded plastic figures which do not cost a lot. None-the-less, a trophy is a trophy a statement of your success no matter how big or small, or how much it costs. The design of the trophy is not done as an entire piece, but it is broken into several components that are further designed and re-designed. Coming up with a design takes a lot of brainstorming and a lot of effort goes into coming up with the perfect Trophy, as it not only has to look unique but should dazzle the event with its charm. There are a lot of astonishing array parts available in the market which can be purchased, which the retailer can build the award depending on the customer’s needs. Cups and Trophies range from expensive, budget friendly to almost priceless trophies. Because of the cost factor, manufacturers have started making plastic trophies as they are becoming more and more in use. Now-a-days Cup trophies are made of molded plastic colored to resemble gold, silver or brass.
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